Latin American Recipes
Spanish Brown Rice
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Everything you love about fried chicken just got better! With Saladmaster, you can enjoy tasty, tender, crispy chicken that's fried in its own natural juices without any added grease, fats or oils to weigh you down! Want a taste of the good life?...
Arroz con Pollo is a popular staple in Latin American cooking. This recipe takes every day ingredients and creates a mouth watering dish that everyone will love! It's the perfect recipe for left over roasted chicken, just add it in once you add the...
Cabbage is an inexpensive and nutritional powerhouse that is easy to find year round in most markets. It is high in fiber, sulfur, vitamin C, and is low in calories and fat. Cabbage is delicious raw in salads and slaws, but really develops its...
A quick and easy lentil soup that will soon become one of your favorite lentil recipes!
Everything you love about fried chicken just got better! With Saladmaster, you can enjoy tasty, tender, crispy chicken that's fried in its own natural juices without any added grease, fats or oils to weigh you down! Want a taste of the good life?...
Arroz con Pollo is a popular staple in Latin American cooking. This recipe takes every day ingredients and creates a mouth watering dish that everyone will love! It's the perfect recipe for left over roasted chicken, just add it in once you add the...
An absolute winner! A unique combination of flavors give this dish just enough "kick" to make it wonderfully interesting and delicious. Particularly convenient, this recipe can be put together the night before, making cooking the entire meal at...
Sun ripened sweet strawberries are light and refreshing in a salsa. Fruit salsas are the perfect accompaniment to lighter warm weather eating.
A wonderful healthy recipe that you and your family can enjoy as a vegan entrée or side dish compliment.
It doesn't get any easier, and everyone loves this dish! Feed a crowd by doubling or tripling the recipe. It's even better the next day.