Low Fat Recipes
Spanish Brown Rice
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A light and refreshing slaw that's perfect as a side salad during the warm summer months.
Eggs are a breakfast staple around the world. Here's how to make eggs 3 diffferent ways using the Saladmaster method without using any oil or butter. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch or as a snack!
Everything you love about fried chicken just got better! With Saladmaster, you can enjoy tasty, tender, crispy chicken that's fried in its own natural juices without any added grease, fats or oils to weigh you down! Want a taste of the good life?...
Fruit Salad will always be a favorite at any gathering. With the Saladmaster Food Processor, you can whip up a fruit salad for everyone to enjoy in minutes! Pick your favorite fruits and let the processor do the rest for you!
A quick and easy lentil soup that will soon become one of your favorite lentil recipes!
Packed with fresh veggies, these wholesome muffins are a quick and easy snack to make for breakfast or to take along as a snack.
Quick, easy, delicious and healthy - a one-dish meal is also perfect for a busy schedule. You can even chop the vegetables a day or two ahead.
Watch the recipe video for...
An absolute winner! A unique combination of flavors give this dish just enough "kick" to make it wonderfully interesting and delicious. Particularly convenient, this recipe can be put together the night before, making cooking the entire meal at...
These delicious quesadillas are quick and easy to whip-up for appetizers or for the kids when they come home from school. Add a salad and this can be a light and simple dinner.
Yakisoba noodles are a popular Japanese street food, tossed with a sweet and tart (sometimes spicy) sauce. Add in leftover bits of roasted chicken, tempeh, minced steak, cooked bacon or shrimp for more flavor and added protein.
Individually frozen cod or halibut fish filets are a convenient and nutritious start to a quick meal. Frozen vegetables, white wine, fresh tomato and pantry seasonings complete the dish. This is a light and well balanced entrée, low in calories.
...A wonderful healthy recipe that you and your family can enjoy as a vegan entrée or side dish compliment.