Vegan Recipes
Spanish Brown Rice
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A light and refreshing slaw that's perfect as a side salad during the warm summer months.
Whether you're a committed vegan, or a meat-loving foodie this new twist on a traditional Mexican favorite will leave your mouth watering for more. (And, without expanding your waistline!) This delicious soup is not only hearty and...
Lentils are a powerhouse of fiber, high in protein and low in cost. Besides being easy to prepare, they cook quickly. This one pot stew has an additional source of protein from quinoa and is full of nutritious vegetables. Top with shaved or grated...
Fruit Salad will always be a favorite at any gathering. With the Saladmaster Food Processor, you can whip up a fruit salad for everyone to enjoy in minutes! Pick your favorite fruits and let the processor do the rest for you!
This salad makes a great addition to any meal. It is light and crunchy. Napa cabbage leaves are made of primarily water- in which case it is low in calories. If edamame is added into the salad it will boost up the protein content in...
A quick and easy lentil soup that will soon become one of your favorite lentil recipes!
What a delicious beginning to the day this healthy, hearty breakfast makes! Steel cut oats are less processed than regular oats and have more fiber, protein and...
These delicious quesadillas are quick and easy to whip-up for appetizers or for the kids when they come home from school. Add a salad and this can be a light and simple dinner.
Sun ripened sweet strawberries are light and refreshing in a salsa. Fruit salsas are the perfect accompaniment to lighter warm weather eating.
Pesto is a fun, easy sauce to make. It is full of chlorophyll and protein. The miso and pine nuts give it a “cheesy” flavour. Pesto tastes great on anything from brown rice pasta and quinoa, to homemade pizza crust, wraps or simply as a dip for...
A wonderful healthy recipe that you and your family can enjoy as a vegan entrée or side dish compliment.
It doesn't get any easier, and everyone loves this dish! Feed a crowd by doubling or tripling the recipe. It's even better the next day.