Japanese Recipes
Yakisoba & Vegetable Stir Fry...
Yakisoba noodles are a popular Japanese street food, tossed with a sweet and tart (sometimes spicy) sauce. Add in leftover bits of roasted chicken...
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Bottled marinades and sauces are a quick way to add flavor to a meal when you are stretched for time. Avoid seasonings and sauces that have artificial ingredients, MSG, chemical flavorings and those that are high in added sugars and fat.
Yakisoba noodles are a popular Japanese street food, tossed with a sweet and tart (sometimes spicy) sauce. Add in leftover bits of roasted chicken, tempeh, minced steak, cooked bacon or shrimp for more flavor and added protein.
These Vegetarian Nori Rolls take a fresh and healthy twist on what you would find at your average sushi restaurant!
This quick and easy miso soup is a nice variation to the traditional Japanese soup most are accustomed to. This recipe combines the staple ingredient, miso paste, with a variety of vegetables for added fiber and nutrients.
Bottled marinades and sauces are a quick way to add flavor to a meal when you are stretched for time. Avoid seasonings and sauces that have artificial ingredients, MSG, chemical flavorings and those that are high in added sugars and fat.
Yakisoba noodles are a popular Japanese street food, tossed with a sweet and tart (sometimes spicy) sauce. Add in leftover bits of roasted chicken, tempeh, minced steak, cooked bacon or shrimp for more flavor and added protein.
These Vegetarian Nori Rolls take a fresh and healthy twist on what you would find at your average sushi restaurant!
This quick and easy miso soup is a nice variation to the traditional Japanese soup most are accustomed to. This recipe combines the staple ingredient, miso paste, with a variety of vegetables for added fiber and nutrients.
Yakisoba noodles are a popular Japanese street food, tossed with a sweet and tart (sometimes spicy) sauce. Add in leftover bits of roasted chicken, tempeh, minced steak, cooked bacon or shrimp for more flavor and added protein.
Bottled marinades and sauces are a quick way to add flavor to a meal when you are stretched for time. Avoid seasonings and sauces that have artificial ingredients, MSG, chemical flavorings and those that are high in added sugars and fat.